DJ Captain Dave

What started me on HRR ?
I graduated from HS in 1985 with a guy who I’d find 30 years later on a little radio station called, Hot Rocks Radio. He was always posting on FB about his radio show on HRR, so I tuned in one time and I was hooked. I loved his mix of music along with a movie clip here and there. Then he called it a day and I had a big void to fill in my listening, and thought why not do it myself. Five years later and 200 shows on Friday nights, and I’m still here carry the torch… and couldn’t be more proud to be part of this talented DJ staff. ” Keep on Rockin’ !”
Favorite Genre
My favorite genre is probably those classic rock bands from the 70’s-80’s that continued to put out good music but got ignored by regular radio. I love old and new Deep Purple, Kansas, Cheap Trick and so on.
Favorite Bands and Artists
My list of favorites change with my moods it seems, but The Beatles are always number 1. Cheap Trick, Kansas, DP, Queen and round out the top 5 but I get on different kicks from time to time like Keane, Soul Asylum, Iron Maiden, Thin Lizzy.
Musical Background
I have been a trumpet player since sixth grade and still play ( not very well ) to this day, playing in the local community band. I also have no problem belting out a tune here and there. Musical taste wise, my older brother ( 5 yrs older) started me on listening to music because he played all of his records and we shared a room. This is mid 70’s so think about it… Boston, Nugent, Yes, Bad Co… never a better time to become a fan. I love music !
My hobbies are pretty simple. My Friday night radio show. I craft my show over a 3 day period, mixing together songs from all over the place, and pairing up one or more of those to a movie/tv clip in each set. I love it when it works out and sounds great, basically making a new ” mixed tape” every week for all to enjoy !
DJ Name Origination
My name CAPTAIN DAVE came from the briefly lived TV show ” LA TO VEGAS” that aired on Fox a while back. I loved the character and use some of his clips on my intro every week.
Favorite Music Experience
I’ve been to so many concerts over the years from the start of Lollapalooza in 91 to Paul McCartney, Yes, Maiden and countless other shows especially recently with my new better half, Annette. Most of them good and memorable. But, oddly when deciding how to respond to the question of most memorable musical experience, the first thing that popped into my mind was the time I was on the side of the road with a flat and had a stripped lug nut. A tour bus pulled over and changed my flat for me. It was the roadies for George Thorogood. I thought that was pretty cool of them !