Featured Artist

As a continued tradition of our brand, Featured Artists will be showcased each month.

Both our Auto Play system and live DJ shows will play a song by the featured artist of the month in rotation. We have included a page within Hot Rocks Radio for our audience to check them out in depth.

Should you have an artist or band in mind for us to feature in the upcoming months, please contact a staff member or send us an email using the Contact Us link above.

September 2023

Michael Tiffany

Click on Michael’s Logo to the right.

October 2023

The Paul Ramirez Band

Click on The Paul Ramirez Band Logo to the right.

November 2023

Dizzy Pilots

Click on the Dizzy Pilots Logo to the right.

December 2023

Nikki Stringfield

Click on Nikki’s Logo to the right.

January 2024


April 2024


May, 2024